
Join us, too!

vehicle capacity for packages

Flexibility. Unlimited delivery capacity
for 0-15 kg urban parcels: Address,
pick-up point, or locker deliveries.

Flexibility. Unlimited delivery capacity for 0-15 kg urban parcels: Address, pick-up point, or locker deliveries.

time slots

Precision or speed. Set the accuracy
and speed of delivery or pick-ups.

Precision or speed. Set the accuracy and speed of delivery or pick-ups.


Economy, sustainability. Lower your fixed
and variable costs. We will show you how.

Economy, sustainability. Lower your fixed and variable costs. We will show you how.

api integration

Digitalization. Connect via API.
Use our web app or 3rd party apps.
No-code testing possible.






Join us!

Flexibility. Unlimited delivery capacity
for 0-15 kg urban parcels: Address, pick-up point,
or locker deliveries.

Precision or speed. Set the accuracy and speed of delivery or pick-ups.

Economy, sustainability. Lower your fixed and variable costs. We will show you how.

Digitalization. Connect via API. Use our web app or 3rd party apps.
No-code testing possible.






Join us!